Supply Planning Software Solution - Arkieva

Supply Chain Planning Software Designed to Meet Your Changing Market Demands

Supply chain software solutions give businesses the ability to profitably manage business disruptions, and transform their supply chains into a competitive advantage. These companies create an agile, lean manufacturing environment that supports real-time decision-making instead of ‘after-the-fact’ firefighting activities.

Creating The Optimal Supply Plan with The Arkieva Supply Planner

The Arkieva Supply Planner is a comprehensive optimization tool for keeping supply aligned with corporate objectives in the face of change. Creating an optimal plan to meet demand is integral to managing your supply chain effectively. Our tool can generate a sustainable reduction in inventories up to 20% across the network through less costly overtime, increased throughput, and fewer setups.

Arkieva models the internal and external supply chain across the global enterprise; multi-site, multi-user, and enterprise-wide. Our tool synchronizes material and capacity allocation with production and planned purchases, optimizing operations with true customer demand. The ability to quickly re-plan provides increased flexibility in manufacturing.

The Supply Planner allows creation, of multiple what-if scenarios, varying factors such as demand and capacity, anticipating potential external threats like strikes, etc.

Arkieva Supply Planner also provides desktop capabilities for operations managers to promptly handle constantly evolving situations and still preserve both margins and customer service. The familiar Excel-like interface makes it easy to enter or review capacity, costs, and other required data used for optimization. It can easily generate supply/demand reports, including side-by-side, visual comparison of what-if scenarios.

Manage Change Profitably

Flexibility and rapid turnaround are essential in a changing marketplace, whether evaluating new growth opportunities or managing costs. Arkieva Supply Planner offers the ability to quickly create profit-driven supply scenarios for contingency planning, in a sandbox environment, before committing resources.

The Arkieva Supply Planner helps answer such questions as:

Will we be able to cover demand if a shutdown continues?

How soon should we begin building inventory to support an upcoming promotion?

What is the most cost-effective way to distribute our product?

Can we accept a significant additional order without disrupting customer service?

How should we respond to a spike in raw material costs?

Multiple Alternate BOMs

A company must make decisions each month on the best way to satisfy demand when it has many products manufactured with different BOMs. An optimization model can be a valuable tool in getting the most out of resources while keeping costs low and customer service levels high.

Blending Problem

Satisfying the demand of customers with products of many different purities can be a complicated decision that can prove to be of very high value. An optimization tool provides a way to utilize all resources efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.

Cutting Problem

When part of a production process involves cutting larger sizes of products into smaller ones, the problem of how to do this, so waste is minimized while keeping productivity high is extremely important. Even a 1% reduction in waste can often mean substantial savings. An optimization tool can provide significant improvements in multiple aspects of these processes.