Quick Scenario Planning
Quickly simulate different what-if scenarios to decide when to make tradeoffs or to negotiate in the long and short term. For example, find out when an extra shift should be added or if demand shouldn’t be supplied.
Ensure that you have enough capacity and the right quantity of raw materials.
The Arkieva RCCP provides you with easy-to-use features for planning over a long horizon;
12-18 months typically grouped in monthly time buckets. Transform your forecasts into production capacity plans to meet your long-term demand needs with the Arkieva Rough Cut Capacity Planner. Answer key capacity planning questions including “where should I build my next plant,” to get ahead of possible capacity constraint issues.
Create Rough Cut Capacity Plans for:
Quickly simulate different what-if scenarios to decide when to make tradeoffs or to negotiate in the long and short term. For example, find out when an extra shift should be added or if demand shouldn’t be supplied.
Want to view or share your rough-cut capacity plans in Excel? No problem. With the click of a button, push your data to Excel and publish your changes back to the Arkieva RCCP tool afterward.
Use the easy Arkieva visualization tools to analyze, evaluate the impact of decisions, and create visually enhanced reports for your management or planning teams.
Easily keep track of user edits, review and approve or disapprove edits using one centralized location.
Find out how well your long-range capacity plan is performing by measuring performance in real-time.
View your planning data at your desired hierarchy level. For example, at the product family level.