Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software - Arkieva

Why Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)?

Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) has been around for decades. S&OP is much more than just a meeting – it takes into account all the various planning and monitoring processes that are necessary to run a world-class supply chain. The challenge for businesses lies in capturing and summarizing the data required to support the process, and the ability to turn that data into information.

Powerful S&OP Software With the Tools for Creating a World-Class Supply Chain.

Presenting summarized data to support Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) is made quick and simple with the Arkieva S&OP Software solution — S&OP Central.

Arkieva S&OP Central provides the S&OP tools for integrating data from many systems (even spreadsheets) and provides sales, operations, and finance functions the views need to operate as a single team, all in one place.

Our tool allows immediate ‘what-if’ calculations and provides all user groups – from operations to the executive teams – the views you need to manage your business. It can also provide clear visibility of capacity-infeasible situations or spare capacity for opportunistic demand.

Key Arkieva S&OP Tools:

Reports on demand – historical performances and forecasts – by S&OP family

Analyzes impacts of demand changes on supply using built-in Rough-cut Capacity Planning

Summarizes demand, supply, and financials for the Pre-S&OP Demand Meeting, Pre-S&OP Supply Meeting, and the S&OP Meeting itself

Translates S&OP families to manufacturing families for capacity planning

Provides standard S&OP reporting templates including KPI’s for performance vs. plan and vs. budget

Allows instant ‘what-if’ analysis on used and available capacity

Uses coloring rules to highlight any special situations, like planned capacity usage exceeding 100% for a product family

Plans can be saved for performance reporting over time

In demand planning it is important to be able to detect early any gaps between actual and planned sales and the annual budget (in dollars and volume) while there’s still time to take corrective measures. In supply planning, it is critical to be able to say whether the required demand can be met – whether through production, swaps, or purchases. All of these are modeled and tracked in Arkieva S&OP Central.

See the Arkieva S&OP Software Solution in action for yourself. Find out firsthand how you can get the most from your assets.

Get Started Today! Improve Your S&OP Process