In-memory Software for Integrated Supply Chain Planning - Arkieva

What is Orbit?

Orbit is an advanced in-memory digital supply chain planning platform that provides a centralized repository for planning and on-the-fly data analytics to respond quickly to demand changes. Orbit provides one data source for creating a synergized “One-Plan” S&OP process with cross-functional collaboration and faster scenario management at any aggregate level. All Arkieva Solutions are powered using the Orbit platform allowing an integrated digital supply chain planning experience.

Get data-driven answers immediately with Orbit

Create a synergized, integrated Sales and Operations Planning Process

How Does Orbit Work?

Orbit Advanced Digital Supply Chain Planning Platform

In-Memory OLTP + OLAP

Optimized Diagnostics

Multithreaded In-Memory Engine (using all available CPUs for maximum performance)

Predictive Analytics

Time Series Analysis

Fast Forecasting Algorithms

Rule-Based AI

Automated Implementation Diagnostics

R Integration

Integrated Supply Chain Planning With Orbit

Centralized In-Memory

Proactive Demand Planning

Proactive response to Demand:
-Dynamic Demand Analysis & Segmentation
-Flexible Demand Sensing & Shaping
-Optimized Demand Planning

Optimized Inventory Management

Maintain Optimized Inventory Levels:
-Track and monitor flexible inventory metrics
-Identify obsolete or off-spec inventories
-Get automatic alerts for out of balance inventory levels.

Continous Capacity Planning

Maximize Capacity Utilization:
-Instant what-if analysis on available capacity
-Quickly identify capacity shortfalls or excess
-View and analyze data at different hierarchies

Demand & Supply Synergy

Optimize Supply Planning:
-Increase profit margins while meeting demand
-Improve MRP, DRP and CRP
-Balance Supply and demand with better production

On-the-Fly Executive S&OP Reporting

Gain End-to End Visibility:
-Dynamic S&OP monitoring with visibility dashboards and KPIs
-Make data-driven decisions using different what-if scenario simulations
-Improve S&OP perfomance with performance monitoring tools

What Will You Design?

Experience unlimited flexibility. Orbit provides a fully configurable supply chain planning platform for designing your ideal S&OP process.

You set the rules!

Say No to Software Limitations. Unleash unlimited designing flexibility powered by your unique business.

Which production runs cannot be executed because of raw material infeasibility?

Which production schedules are critical to meeting an order in the future?

Which transfer orders are in jeopardy because there isn’t enough inventory?

Gain Momentum with a Powerful In-Memory Engine

Gain the speed needed to stay one step ahead of your competition. All the time.

What Will You Design?

Steer your organization in the right direction and stay ahead of the competition with the Orbit powerful in-memory engine. Gain a better control on planning activities with dynamic data processing and answer business questions on the fly.

Ready to Experience Orbit?

Access Your Data. Anywhere. Anytime.

Access supply chain planning data from any device. You choose.

Install your solution on-premise or on the cloud and enjoy the solution deployment flexibility that allows you to create a seamless digital supply chain planning experience without device limitations. Create enhanced cross-functional collaboration and visibility across your supply chain, and access your planning data anytime with the Arkieva Insights mobile application.

Cloud. On-Premise. Hybrid. You Decide.

Robust Scenario Planning

Go Ahead! Ask the next what-if.

The ‘What-ifs’ That You Might Face:

Turn on, or off, multiple what-if scenarios as your business changes. No need to reconfigure your solution. Orbit provides a flexible platform for simulating as many what-if scenarios as needed to help you make the best data-driven decision. So, go ahead. Ask the next what-if without limitations.

As-it-Happens Decision Impact
View across the supply chain

Proactively respond to marketplace changes. Faster.

Respond Quickly to Changes

You need to respond quickly to marketplace changes. Orbit provides a unified, integrated supply chain model that allows you to see the impact of changes immediately across the entire supply chain – as it happens.

Planning Time Horizon Integration

Quickly integrate strategic, tactical and operational plans.

  • Create the Ideal Production Plan Regardless of Time Horizons
  • Create a responsive plan that integrates across strategic, tactical and operational time horizons.

With Orbit, move seamlessly between different levels of time and data aggregation to create the best-fit plan for your business goals.

End-to-End Supply Chain Visibility

Eliminate siloed S&OP processes.

Create an Integrated View. Improve Performance.

Gain the visibility needed to optimize your current sales and operations. Orbit provides a centralized repository for planning data with integrated linkages to demand, inventory,
finance and supply planning systems.



Lack visibility across the supply chain


Don’t have synergized end-to-end supply chain process


Struggle with cross functional collaboration


Insuffient management engagement with SCM


Struggle with supply chain network complexity

Ready to Experience Orbit?

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