Our Supply Chain Planning Software Platform - Arkieva

Is Arkieva Software the best fit for your business?

Arkieva was founded with the vision of helping our clients succeed through better supply chain planning. After working with over 300 companies for more than 20 years, we realize that some prospective clients are a better fit than others for working with Arkieva. We at Arkieva are invested in our client’s success and value long term relationships with them. This is why we believe strongly that a good fit analysis upfront increases the odds of long term success in building a relationship with our client. When prospecting, Arkieva is looking for companies who see their supply chain planning as a competitive differentiator.

In practical terms, we look for the following characteristics:

The client values planning as a core competency as opposed to confusing it with scheduling and execution.

This is not to say that scheduling and execution are not important; it is about understanding the difference in how more value can be created via planning. In our world view, planning is about deciding what the right thing to do is; scheduling and execution are about doing them right.

The client has experience with other supply chain planning applications, whether home grown or with an older generation package from a different vendor.

This tells us that the client understands the complexity associated with such projects; whether data, user, process or change management related.

The client is describing the needs in terms of their supply chain needs as opposed to IT needs.

Sometimes, this is very clear from the questions that are in the client issued RFP

The client is not looking for a big bang approach for several modules across different regions.

The client needs to understand that these projects are best executed in a step by step fashion. Typically, these are the same people who understand the change management of these projects.

Clients who understand that a good supply chain planning solution is a mix of a good calculation/modeling engine, combined with a good presentation engine.

Having one of the two is not enough.

Clients value what the planners (users) bring to the table as supply chain planning professionals.

They are not looking for decision automation, rather decision support systems that allow the planners to make better informed decisions.